Thursday, May 8, 2008

Denali Journal, Day 1: Arrival at Base Camp at 7,200 ft.

The team meet for breakfast at the Roadhouse again this morning at 8:00 a.m. I had a huge cinnamon roll and "The Seanjard" plus some extra bacon and lots and lots of coffee.  We then headed right to check out of the "tee pee" and go right to the Hudson Air hangar at 9:00 a.m.  By 11:00 a.m. or so, no one had flown out due to fog at Base Camp.  Then some pilots picked up a site seeing crew and Billie (Assistant Guide) flew up with the crew with the possibility of landing.  He did land, but fog later rolled in, so no one else could go until almost 5:00 p.m.  Most of the afternoon was spent drinking coffee, meandering town, eating lunch at Junita Del Norte's, playing some ridiculous puzzle at The Cafe, and WAITING!  Dan flew with group 2 at around 5:00 p.m. and I waited behind.  Once the two Cessnas got back, we all loaded up again and once taxi-ing, the fog at Base Camp returned.  So we went back to the hangar and had to wait until 8:00 p.m.--the last possible take-off time.  We flew up to some amazing views, flying very close to Mount Hunter and landing on the southeast fork of the Kahiltna Glacier.  It was a pretty smooth landing.  We had beef stew and mash for dinner and headed for the tents.  Everything is more difficult up here and I'm still working on my "system".  The team is gelling good.  Brian is very pensive and quiet and Curtis from NYC is also quiet but seems strong and determined.  Eric, the youngest, talks a lot but is a good guy.  I am sleeping in my -40 degree sleeping bag with my booties, baby wipes, and most of my layers in my stuff sack as a pillow.  Tomorrow should be relatively flat--down Heartbreak Hill and up towards where the northeast fork meets the southeast below Ski Hill.  ETA is about 5 hours.  We get up when we get up.  We are all excited!

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